Social media is often a place for comparison, objectification, subjectivity, and unrealistic expectations for what it means to be a woman. This dance seeks to redefine the possibilities for connecting with online communities and creating art in the digital world. #WomenAre has been sourced from over 400+ responses via Instagram by A/B testing for themes to inspire phrases and gestures cultivating in a duet focused on women power and strength. Additionally, this collaboration of music and movement was inspired by the voices of prominent women in our generation including Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai, among others.
Choreography and Performance
Reyna Mondragon
Martheya Nygaard
Original Composition and Live Performance
Lucas Reader
Commissioned By
Dance Fusion
Dance Fusion 2019
Burning Woman October 2020
Fort Worth Fringe Festival 2021
Content Warnings
This production may include a strobe effect and projection.
8 minutes